I am excited to announce our next event with Vicki Boeckman as my guest.
On December 2, 2021 at 5pm PST, Vicki will speak about the variety of activities her illustrious career has brought her. From performing and recording with the finest musicians, to teaching all age groups, and enjoying the experience as artistic director of workshops and recorder societies, she has a wealth of experience to share.
Please share this event with your recorder playing friends (or with any other folks you can think of that might enjoy this event).
Your participation in shaping the interview is encouraged by submitting questions you might want to ask in advance.
Following the interview, Vicki has agreed to do a Q&A session.
When? Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 5:00pm PST
Where? via Zoom
How? email the host Inga Funck at funck.inga@gmail.com for the Zoom link